Comfort Fit Hummingbird Feeder
You'll get hours of enjoyment from this Comfort Fit Hummingbird Feeder (and your hummingbirds will too). That's because it's made in the United States from unbreakable poly-carbonate. Quality is just one of the things that distinguishes this hummingbird feeders from others.
Four feeding ports, each with easy access to the perch, make this Comfort Fit Hummingbird Feeder a wonderful place for hummingbirds to eat. Able to hold up to 12 ounces of hummingbird food, this hummingbird feeder is the perfect size.
The tall perch that goes around the 9-inch feeder has two purposes: it provides a great view of hummingbirds while they eat and gives them a place to rest in between meals.
Finally, add a little water to the built in ant moat and you won't have to worry about ants getting in to the hummingbird food. This little hummingbird feeder is just full of little surprises that make watching hummingbirds a real joy.