Heated Cedar Birdbath

Made of beautiful red cedar and designed to keep water thawed down to -20, this top-of-the-line wooden birdbath is well made and makes an attractive addition to any bird watcher's yard. In winter birds will flock to fresh water, and this Heated Cedar Birdbath has just what they need!
Availability: In stock
Birds enjoy birdbaths year-round, but in cold weather it's much harder to find water that's not frozen. That's where this birdbath comes in. It's beautifully made from red cedar and is designed to be easy for you to use. Little details are what makes this birdbath stand out.
  • Large heated pan. The heated pan is 14 inches across and less than 1 1/2 inches deep. It provides the perfect place for birds to get fresh water even in the coldest of days (down to -20 degrees).
  • Automatically turns on and off. A built-in thermostat keeps the water from freezing by turning the insulated heating element on when the temperature drops below 32 degrees.
  • Real wood stand. The red cedar stand is built to stand up to the harsh cold, and the power cord runs inside the post to hide the cord and give you a clean look.
  • Anchors included. To keep your birdbath secure, this Heated Cedar Birdbath comes with two stakes that anchor it in place.
  • Also mounts to a deck or fence. For added flexibility, the triangular mounts can be moved to accommodate a deck or fence.

This birdbath will give neighborhood birds a place to come for fresh water year-round. If you keep your birdbath filled, the heating elements and thermostat on this birdbath will do the rest - keeping the water thawed so neighborhood birds can use it throughout winter.

When you've put this Heated Cedar Birdbath together (some assembly is required), it will be approximately 22 inches around and 29 inches tall. It's big enough for a wide variety of birds to use. From bright cardinals and large mourning doves to dark-eyed juncos and other less-frequently seen birds, you may be surprised at all the birds that visit your yard for fresh water.

Made in USA

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